Monday, April 13, 2009



The Black Hole Drop! A long hike into the jungle followed by rappelling 300 ft down into a sinkhole! If you look at the picture to the left you can see where we went down. It was to the right of the cave and there is a brown spot. That is the tarp that they have down to stop the rope from fraying due to friction. It was probably one of the most amazing and stupidest things I have ever done. As soon as I was standing on the precipice of the cliff about to rappel I think I saw my life flash before my eyes! But it was too late and the only way out was down.

A side note- the big joke on the trip has been the infamous Bot Fly. This is an insect that lays its larvae in other animals. The larvae then feed off its host till it emerges as a fly. I have heard about this creepy bug in my biology classes but never knew it was an issue until we arrived at Cave’s Branch. Our guides had all had them many times. And they had the scars to prove it. They informed us that mosquitoes can be carriers of the larvae so when one bites you and you smash it you have left the larvae on your skin and they can enter the bite wound left by the mosquito. One guide actually still had one in his arm and he said that he could feel it squirming and feeding on his flesh!!!!! To extract the Bot Fly one must suffocate it and then extract it. EEEWWWW! So needless to say even the least squirmy of us were grossed out by the idea of being a breeding ground for the Bot Fly. The only way to know if you have one is that you have a mosquito bite that doesn’t go away! We all think we have one!!!

Well enough about that! We left Cave’s Branch after our excursion on Sunday and headed to San Ignacio. I wish we could have stayed there forever. We took a bus ride that lasted about an hour. We stayed in a place called Cahal Pech. The view from the balcony was incredible. San Ignacio is set in the mountains of Belize and Cahal Pech is on top of a steep hill. And when I say steep I mean steep. The following day we walked into town and just going down the hill hurt but the walk up, insane. We were hurting the next day. Who needs a stair master when you got that!

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