Tuesday, April 14, 2009



After the previous day we were exhausted. Most of us stayed at the resort and relaxed but I got a wild hair. I really wanted to see the Belize Zoo. It came highly recommended. Usually I am not a fan of Zoo’s. I do not approve of catching animals and then caging them just for viewing pleasure. But the Belize Zoo is different. There is a lot of illegal trapping and sale of animals. There are also a lot of displaced and injured animals here. The zoo here takes in confiscated animals that are being traded or ones that are hurt. They then rehabilitate and release these them if possible. If not they are kept and well cared for because there is no other option for them. The Zoo was started by a woman that came down here in the 70’s to do some work and had a soft spot for all the creatures she came in contact with that were injured. The history said that by the time she was ready to return home she had a least 20 animals she had taken in and they had no place to go. She decided to stay and build a shelter that turned into the Zoo. They do a lot of education for teachers and students there now along with the rehabilitation.

The first animal that we came across was the national animal of Belize, the Tapir. This strange creature is also called the mountain cow. It looks like a cross between a horse and a hippo (smells like one too) with an anteaters nose. It was so strange looking and so cute. While there we also Spider Monkeys, Howler Monkeys, an Ocelot, a Jaguarondi, the Gibnut (also know as the royal rat), Parrots, Toucans, and the list goes on. I think my favorite was the elusive Jaguar. They are supposedly all over Belize but they are rarely spotted. This little guys name was Junior. He has been in the Zoo all his life and is “tame”. Don’t get me wrong, I would not stick my hand in that cage! But one of the Zoo keeper’s sure did. He was petting this guy like he was a house cat! And the Jaguar was purring like one too! The keeper then took out some chicken feet and fed Junior so that we could get some pictures. Another thing about this Zoo, the barrier between you and the animals is minimal at best. I would describe the cage as chicken mesh. So that is all that stood between me and the Jaguar. It was hard to believe, and a little scary.

Another animal that I really enjoyed seeing was the Harpy Eagle. I have never seen one. This bird was the size of a person, about 5 feet tall, with talons as big as tree branches. It is the second largest raptor in the world. I think it could have picked me up and flown away with me for dinner if it wanted to. I love the way the feathers on its head looks.

I am really glad that we got to go to the Zoo. After that we took the bus back to San Ignacio. Have I mentioned much about the public transportation here? Everyone uses the buses. Sometimes it can get really crowded. The locals call the bus to Punta Gorda the chicken bus. This is because people are crammed in there like poultry. Sometimes there is only standing room in the aisles and you just hold on. Seats are not taken for granted. Also, the bus drivers are crazy. I did not know that a school bus could travel that fast. My motion sickness has been put to the test on multiple occasions but no puking yet! But you can’t beat the price. We traveled from San Ignacio to Belmopan, which took an hour and a half, and it only cost $5 Bz (which is $ 2.50 US). Great deal if you can handle the ride!

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