Monday, March 30, 2009

Los zapatos solatario...

This weekend has been very low key! I think we are saving up for next weekend when we go to the mainland. On Friday we went to my partnership teachers house. She made us dinner. John tried chicken feet! We went out after dinner with some of the teachers and had a nice time.

Saturday we hung out at the pool and I worked on my tan. Did I mention that I have already been mistaken for a local? Haha! I guess my tan is good enough.

On Sunday we snorkeled for a little bit and then Walter, the main guy at Pedro's, made us lunch. He grilled chicken and we hung out at the pool again.

We are at school today. The 8th graders are here to take the PSE which is placement test for them before they enter High School. Some of us are proctors while others assist in various duties. The tests seem to be similar to our standardized tests. High importance is placed on them. These students will be tracked by the grades they receive and there are two parts, writing and science. They are not taken lightly. There are confidential booklets and bubble sheets for answers. Number two pencils. It is like an EOC but the setting is very different. We have one child that does not speak English in one of classes that they are having an issue with. The test is in English just like the classes taught here. They are trying to figure out what to do to help him without breaking any of the test rules.

I have lesson plans to write and making a test for the Life Skills class for this week. I am also grading tests the biology class took. The teachers are putting us to work :) Tomorrow is class as normal. The kids had today off because of the primary school test. We do not have school Friday because there is a track and field competition. Some of the teachers are gone this week, including my partnership teacher. There is a field trip for the seniors in biology. They get to go to the mainland for three days to experience what they have been learning in class. So I am on my own Thursday and Friday! This week will be short but tough!

I love that the classes and the school are so open to the outside. I am sitting in the conference room of the school. It is a room with a table and some chairs where the faculty meets. I just saw a lizard run across the room! I tried to catch him but he got away. There are so many lizards here.

Another thing that we are seeing a lot of, los zapatos solatario! That is the silly joke we have running between the MAT students. Lonely shoes! There are shoes all over the place missing there mates. On the streets, in the trash. We saw one yesterday washed up with barnacles growing all over it. So strange....

1 comment:

  1. Heyyy. Okay. What happened to that video of the teacher coming up on stage. Haha. Glad you're enjoying it!

